It is the proud name that the Viking nation uses for its flag.
The many demonstrators around the world who are busy desecrating the Danish flag do not realize the effect produced by their act.
Denmark is a small nation. It is also a haven of tolerance,
freedom, and, being a maritime country, very open to the
rest of the world.
I have been lucky enough to travel often to Denmark. I remember my first trip , with my son still in a baby carrier, as I was sent to work in Lyngby.
I remember visiting the Drakkar museum in Roskilde, home of my friend Peder Rasmussen. There, you are reminded of the past glory of the Viking nation, founder of Dublin, York, London, and even Normandy, as well as Russia, and Kiev. Their dominion once extended from L'Anse aux meadows in today's Canada, all the way to Persia.
Today, it seems that modern communications are helping once again to show their flag around the world.....
It is a worrying thought that irate imams, who enjoy the protection of EU laws as well as the welfare system of Danish taxpayers, should use XXIst century means to spread a message of return to the Middle Ages. And this message of hatred spread as fast as the flames that destroyed the World Trade Center one beautiful morning on September 11, 2001. The same ignorant ire sent Palestimians full of hatred to burn the EU representation in Palestine, their main source of fimamcing for the past twenty years. Again, an ironic case of biting the hand that feeds you....What a sight for the EU taxpayer! Two arab militants in combat dress , toting weapons , on the roof of a building in flames, overlooking the EU flag!
What a symbol!
The EU flag is a symbol of the reconciliation of bitter enemies, France and Germany, who fought two World wars in one century. Today, they live in peace , under that same EU flag. How much longer will the EU finance an Authority that organizes suicide bombers, intifadas , and now calls for a boycott of our products?
My friends, Freddy, Peder Pedersen, the Christiansens, were pacifists and humanitarians. Their flag reminds me of their friendship, their sense of humor, but also of the beaches at Esbjerg, the beautiful Jutland landscape in the spring, and the real Danish pastries in Amager.
Their record shows the Danes to be among the most courageous nations under Nazi rule. The Danes know a thing or two about violence, dictatorship, censorship and intolerance.
It explains why a Danish cartoonist felt like drawing the attention of his readers on a possible repeat of the past
The orchestration of violent reactions to enrage the arab street only proves him right. There is danger. The West is now faced with a large population of moslems, (1 billion, 1,2 billion, 1,5 billion? Everytime I hear a Middle Eastern commentator the numbers go up!), which can be easily manipulated as one. Whether they are peaceful, well meaning, educated, or illiterate (some were busy burning a Swiss flag because it had a white cross on a red background!), vengeful, or defending rightful grievances, we are facing a huge potential army of people conditionned to give us no quarter in the name of their God.
We have a huge diplomatic task ahead of us.

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