The news that the Democratic and Popular Republic of Korea, under the leadership of the Dear leader Kim Jong Il, has carried out the test of a nuclear bomb, is grim.
Not that it should be a great surprise.
After having heard that the greatest power on earth had put them on the list of "the axis of evil", that the first on the list, Iraq, was promptly invaded and turned into a raging inferno, the Dear leader had only one option if he wanted respect......nuclear weapons.
Donald Rumsfeld (no relation to Donald Duck as the French keep believing), when asked what should N.Korea do in 2003, famously answered:"They should take a number".
Besides being exactly the opposite of all non-proliferation policies, it is a call to nuclear arsenals to all the DPRK neighbors: Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.. Most of these countries have the means to do it, and quite a few will do it because they hate Japan.
This reminds me of the chain of events started in Sarajevo in 1914.
Not to worry. The US will not attack the DPRK. It is too late. As an officer told me in Florida: "We cannot afford to lose Seoul". The other thing they cannot afford, is more troops and more equipment after the Iraq adventure.Too bad. They had WMDs!
Ah, but there is still Iran and Syria. They should not be too hard to crush? especially since we are getting close to November 7th and the polls have taken a serious dip after the Foley follies.
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