I am attending a USW congress in Dearborn, Mich.
The tales I heard from union reps about work related injuries and fatalities, 16 hour shifts, and collusion between OSHA and business, point to a return to the Robber barons era. GW's dream: Business without limits. Bottomless profits.
Except that our bridges collapse, miners die underground, an entire city is wiped out by a hurricane and a whole region is devastated by an immoral war.
The common denominator is GREED. At the times of the robber barons, greed , at least, was accompanied by competence. To wit, the construvtion of railroads, the telegraph, the automobile etc...
History, it is said happens twice. Once as a tragedy, s second time as a farce. The farce, alas, is the Bush administration. So preoccupied by its place in History, they are now going to go down as the gang that could not shoot straight.
The washington Post was wondering whether we had turned into the "Can't do nation". We have not.
But it is time for voters to realize the Government is NOT the problem. It is the solution.
The brothers and sisters at USW are drooling here when they hear their Canadian brethren tell them nobody loses their house because of medical bills up North!
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