Is this a great country or what?
As lord Acton noted, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". It could have happened to any party, but this time it is the Republican's turn. After securing both houses, the White House, the Supreme court, and thanks to shameless gerrymandering, almost having secured the party's power ad vitam eternam, they are about to "have a great fall".
A great fall is an appropriate quote. Like Humpty Dumpty, they sat on a wall (Wall Street). They were about to build a wall on our border with Mexico (Mr Bush, tear down this wall!) OOps wrong quote.
Like Humpty Dumpty, they were hollow. Ted Haggard, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay,Dennis Hastert, Rep.Sherwood, Henry Hyde, Bill Bennett,and all the other Puritan fathers, trying to impose their prudery, turned out to be corrupt, deviants, or really sick. What is it with so many republicans that they have this very unhealthy obsession with sex? Clinton's impeachment, Mark Foley, Jim Webbs' sexy prose? They are also obsessed with homosexuals, but use their services. They are for the defense of marriage, but cheat on their wives, divorce, and, like Strom Thurmond, rape their slaves.
For an explanation, read Moliere's Tartuffe.
T'is the Fall. The fall of any illusions that the Republicans had any platform other than character assasination. (I have no plan, but my opponent stinks.)
To wit the shameless exploitation of a joke John Kerry read badly. He meant:" If you fail at school (like GWB), then you will get us stuck in Iraq". (Like GWB).
It would be contemptible if it were only a case of Bush not understanding the joke. we expect it.(The guy who gave us "Is our children learning?", and "I want food served on every family." But the shame of it all, is to see a man who dodged the draft, attack a decorated veteran for lack of patriotism. I always found patriotism suspect anyway. it cost us 3 wars in the 20th century, and, as Samuel Johnson said: "It is the last refuge of the scoundrel".
I have absolute faith in the US Constitution. It is supposed to get rid of dysfunctional politician on a periodical basis. I just hope that the potential losers are not desperate enough to manipulate the incredibly vulnerable voting machines that will be used Tuesday.
Here is some cold comfort :
This cautionary documentary exposes the vulnerability of computers - which count approximately 80% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections - suggesting that if our votes aren't safe, then our democracy isn't safe either.
11/06/06 Video Runtime 81 Minutes
Just Try Voting Here: 11 of America's Worst Places to Cast a Ballot (or Try)
This is in fact the one I was looking for:
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