Call me skeptical but there is something strange about Eliot Spitzer's fall from grace. First let me establish that I am with Bill Maher and Alec Baldwin:I find it distasteful that so puritan a nation is so obsessed with sex. I find it downright unhealthy. From Monica L. to Janet Jackson's malfunction, the prurient interest of the public is always in evidence. Grow up people! Second, I find it almost unbelievable that a former prosecutor, a wily prosecutor, a law enforcement hero who used wiretap methods on countless white collar criminals, could be caught by the same tricks. Are we to believe that his own security detail was unaware of being followed? Spitzer himself would have behaved recklessly when he knew every trick in the book? Is any of this linked to the fact that Republicans were looking for a Democratic scandal to balance all the Republican sinners? Did it have anything to do with the fact that Spitzer was a thorn in the side of wall Street's patrons of the same republicans? Does it mean anything that the very justice department that trapped him is rotten to the core, partisan and above the law?
Whatever the real story might be, it has eclipsed a much bigger one: Admiral Fallon.'s resignation. Fallon, CENTCOM's head, gave an interview in Esquire saying he was the lone dissenting voice against a Bush Administration attack against Iran. Concludes the magazine: "When admiral Fallon resigns, you will know that the go ahead has been given to attack Iran".
Ah, but there is no sex in this story, sorry!
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