George W. Bush is going on a tour to promote his book. Too bad he is too late to convince Republican voters that the stimulus plan was passed under his watch. The majority of Americans still believe the stimulus, the banks bailout and the rescue of auto companies was an attempt by president Obama to move the country toward socialism. Those emergency measures, not only saved the US economy, but also start paying interest back to the taxpayer.
The Obama administration was either too inept or out of touch to defend that simple truth. They deserved the shellacking they got just for having been that lame.
The Tea Party is angry at the banks bailout too. Their anger is stoked by savvy politicians and less than honest hacks on Fox News . Yet, the decisions concerning the remedy for world finances are taken in Basel , Switzerland, under the name of the "Basel 3 agreement". The Dodd-Frank act and the EU Commission directives are but the implementation regulations of Basel 3.
One twist of the stimulus, is that the US no longer have the skills necessary to take advantage of the stimulus funds. The state of Florida, for instance , had to turn to a French company for a contract to repave its freeways, build a new runway for the Tampa airport, or for its high speed train network.
SNCF, the French railway company just had to apologize for the role it played in transporting Jews to concentration camps in WW II. They had put in a bid to manage the future Florida HSTs paid by the stimulus. Some have tried to exclude SNCF from bidding because of that historical fact.
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