Once again there is a gun massacre. This time, it is on the pleasant campus in the peaceful countryside of Virginia. 33 of the young hopeful students of Virginia Tech and their teachers gunned down... Virginia which is also the headquarters of the National Rifle Association. Already, before the corpse of these students was cold, the Virginia gun owners association was defending the right to bear arms. The NRA, on the same day was posting on its website: "Today is a great day for gun owners". And the Commander-in-thief came on tv to make sure to say this has nothing to do with the right to bear arms. The same president who let a law banning the very weapons of the VT massacre, lapse!
The yokels and good ole boys of Virginia who read the 2nd amendment as the right to have war weapons, cannot even read. Especially not the 18th century english of the Constitution: "...the right to bear arms FOR A WELL REGULATED MILITIA". In other words, so that the newly independents Americans could defend themselves against the resurgence of Georges III. Automatic weapons are sold in K-Marts and Wal-Mats all over Virginia. They are sold to every Tom Dick and Harry. They could also buy weapons in "gun fairs" where no background check is necessary.
It is the same ignorant bunch that reads the 17th century Bible as meaning that blacks are inferior and it is OK to put criminals to death, that God hates fags and chooses presidents.
It really makes you want to become American! Or Virginian.....a state that recently voted to allow kids to bring guns in the trunk of their cars ...IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!!
And if the right to bear arms was really there in order to topple tyrants, war criminals and other associated usurpers, where were all the Good Ole Boys when G.W. Bush rigged his election, declared an illegal war and canceled habeas corpus, not to mention killing over 600,000 Iraqis (although the latter are merely Arabs)?
Instead of banning too much skin on TV, fainting at "wardrobe malfunctions" and preaching abstinence, Americans should be a little more from Venus and a little less from Mars . Instead of being prudes, they ought to be more discriminating about the constant violence that mars their inane sitcoms where the number of violent death per evening defies the imagination.
Finally, it is well established that when a Nation goes to war, the level of violence in its streets increases significantly.
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